In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impact of our choices, caring for our items takes on new meaning. Our bags are designed with sustainability in mind, from the choice of materials to the manufacturing process. By shopping in one of our bags, you are not just buying a fashionable accessory, you are making a conscious choice in favor of sustainable practices. To care for your bag means preserve its beauty, ensuring that your investment in quality and sustainability will last for generations to come.

Follow the advice of our craftswomen:

First, it is necessary to remove traces of dust from the leather bag. To do this, you can use a soft, damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. Avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents because they may damage the leather.

For deeper cleaning, use a leather cleaner. Pour it onto a sponge and douse it in warm water, then gently wipe the surface of the bag and let it dry.

Leather needs moisture to stay supple and prevent cracking. Use a high-quality leather conditioner every few months to keep your bag hydrated and looking its best.

You can polish the metal details of your bag using a cleaning spray. Just spray it on a soft cloth and rub it on the parts to be cleaned.

When not in use, store the leather bag in a soft case or cloth bag to protect it from dust and scratches. Avoid storing it with other objects that could damage the leather. We recommend that you use the dust bag found in the bag package, which is specially made to protect it.

Our Laura’s recommended products:

Soft cloth


Skin cleanser

Protective cream

Microfiber cloth

Cleaning spray

Dust bag

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